White Garri

White Garri


Considered by many to be the cassava cereal of choice to the people of western Africa, garri is a classic. Preferred choice of preparation is as garri fufu (Eba) which pairs excellently with various rich hearty stews.



White Garri : Considered by many to be the cassava cereal of choice to the people of western Africa, garri is a classic. Preferred choice of preparation is as garri fufu (Eba) which pairs excellently with various rich hearty stews.


Garri: وايت جاري


How to prepare:


Boil water in a kettle. Add boiling water in a bowl then slowly add garri


Use spoon or spatula to turn till it comes together and it’s lump free


Serve with soups like Efo riro, Okro soup,  or any soup of choice.


Nutritional information: Kilocalories 330; Carbs 80 g; Fibers 48 g; Protein 1.1 g; Fat 1 g; Calcium 9%; Iron 1.5 mg


سعرات حرارية 330 ؛ الكربوهيدرات 80 جم ؛ ألياف 48 جم ؛ بروتين 1.1 جم ؛ دهون 1 جم ؛ الكالسيوم 9٪؛ حديد 1.5 مجم




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